Níl sonraí a cailleadh caillte. Is féidir linn comhaid a ghnóthú ó cásanna coitianta go leor .
tuairteála córas
Pasfhocal i ndearmad
scanadh díreach do ghuthán a ghnóthú sonraí a scriosadh
Sliocht do cúltaca iTunes agus a ghnóthú comhaid roghnaithe
Sliocht do cúltaca iCloud agus a ghnóthú comhaid roghnaithe
sonraí go mion roimh ghnóthú Fíoraigh
Sonraí a aisghabháil go léir , nó comhaid a roghnú
Ní bheidh sonraí atá ann cheana a overwritten
Ach is féidir leat rochtain a fháil ar do chuntas
3 céimeanna simplí : ceangal, scanadh agus a ghnóthú
triail saor in aisce 30 lá
All deleted photos are found. Took about 30 minutes. The program installation does not take much time. If you know English, then everything goes much faster. I will use the program in cases of emergency. Hope for successful recovery of important to me photos.
By Alevtina
Thank you for help. You help me to recover my deleted photos. This programme is excellent. I advice to everybody to use this programme if you delete needed information
By Islam
Good program. Helps people to recover deleted files. Thanks to the creators. I recommend using a lot of people who really need to restore apps. Don't be afraid to install this program. Because it will help you to recover your deleted comments
By Veronika
Fix le saincheisteanna córas éagsúla iOS cosúil modh a ghnóthú , bán Apple lógó , scáileán dubh , looping ar tús , etc.
Backup and restore any item on/to a device, and export what you want from the backup to your computer.
Transfer iOS WhatsApp to iPhone/iPad/iPod touch/Android devices, or backup/export it to computers.