Buying or selling a used phone?

Find out in seconds if your phone is Blacklisted, Reported Lost or has Outstanding Bills.

Dial *#06# on your phone to obtain your IMEI.

Enter your IMEI/ESN in the field below.

Download your PDF Report in seconds!

How do you check to see if the phone is unlocked or not?
  • Valid for all Apple iPhone models.
  • We look up your IMEI in the official Apple databases.
  • You’ll know if your iPhone is locked or not in just a few minutes.
  • Perform this check BEFORE requesting an unlocking code.
  • Safe and anonymous.
  • Customer Support 24 hours a day by chat, telephone and e-mail.
  • Total guarantee that only the global market leader can give you.

Warning! This service will NOT UNLOCK your phone. It will simply tell you if it is already UNLOCKED or still LOCKED

Worldwide Phone Service
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Fill in the request form and receive your step-by-step unlocking instructions

Fill in the request form and receive your step-by-step unlocking instructions

Type *#06# into your phone's keypad to obtain IMEI code.
Only type the first 15 digits. No other characters allowed. ?

The IMEI code is a 15 to 17 digit number unique to your phone which you can obtain by typing *#06# .

Simply type the first 15 numbers into the request form, ignoring all other characters such as letters, dashes, hyphens etc.

If your IMEI code is longer than 15 digits, just insert the first 15.

CAUTION! Make sure you enter the IMEI number as displayed on your phone and not on the box or packaging.

We will e-mail your instructions here.
I have read and accepted theTerms & Conditions and Privacy Policy
We accept
We value your privacy and protect your financial/personal info with advanced encryption and advanced fraud protection.
money back guarantee
Knowledgeable representatives available to assist you through instant live chat and email response within 24 hours.
support service
All of our products come with a 30 days Money Back Guarantee.
support service
Free lifetime update
Keycode will be sent to you automatically within minutes

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